Wednesday 29 February 2012


I have officially reached the ultimate in Slummy Mummyness.

I almost can not write the words in case I shall be known henceforth as dirty, but I have my excuses for this crime.  Let me paint the picture for you: I'd spent a week as a single parent whilst hubby worked in America; been struck by a demonic lurgy, and waged a war with the laundry bin in which the laundry bin was the mocking victor.

So here it is, my confession: It was Tuesday morning, half an hour to go before we had to leave for school and I discovered my youngest had no clean shirts.  So I retrieved one from the bowels of the aforementioned laundry basket, shook it briskly, let it 'air' on the aga and dressed my daughter in it.

Bad, I know.  But hey, what's a dirty collar amongst four year old classmates?  As for the teacher?  Well hopefully she was struck by sudden onset myopia that day!  Happily, I think I got away with it this time. I did rather nervously read the schools newsletter just in case there was mention of children wearing dirty shirts to school and the complete unacceptability of this.  Glancing nervously through squinty eyes at the first paragraph my heart started beating violently as I realised it was indeed a rant about uniform.  I read on with slightly sweaty palms to discover it was about children wearing non regulation hats to school.   Phew!  Saved!  And my daughter was most definitely wearing the correct hat.  Bonus!

But let's balance this out.  In my defence I  have made very strong and brave attempts to be a good mother again.  And in an endeavour to claw my way back up the Yummy Mummy ladder I am trying to earn some Earth Mother reward points. Rather like the Sainsburys ones!   (Two hundred points and you are totally allowed to send your children to school in dirty clothes/feed them MacDonalds meals/let them watch lots of television etc.etc.)

So I had a little search for some lovely new music for my little ones.  And in among the albums of Lazy Town, Zingzillas and Hannah Montana, I found a little gem.  It's an album by Caroline Herring called 'The Little House'.  Based on a charming book by Virginia Lee Burton it's the story of a simple house built in the countryside, watching the seasons passing by and eventually becoming consumed by a city growing around it.  (There's a happy ending though as the house is transported back into the countryside and can once again watch the moon and the stars!)

 So the album is  sweet and pure, simple instrumentation and not too hard for the children to sing along with.  It's gorgeous.  (Check out the above link to see Caroline and her very talented daughter perform a duet from the album)

So I swiftly downloaded the album and ordered the book and have enjoyed some lovely, peaceful times with my girls reading the story, and then listening to the songs and having a little sing and play of the guitar together.  Julie Andrews, eat your heart out.

Onwards and most definitely upwards!

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