Tuesday 24 January 2012


This is an absolute achievement for me. I have been out socialising and partying TWICE in one month.  Twice!  Previous to this 'wildness' my last night out was approximately a year ago. This is what happens when you have young children you see.  By the end of the day, you do quite genuinely feel like you've been hit by a bus.  Twice.  The only things I can do are shuffle around like a fuzzy bag lady doing any essential tidying, emptying a wash load of gear from the ever full laundry basket and preparing school bags for the following day.  If I'm lucky I'll get an hour to shower, have a cuppa and collapse in front of really bad tv and if I'm super lucky I'll go to bed and read a lovely book for a while instead of falling asleep on the sofa and waking up with drool down one side of my mouth.

Lovely, I know.

But this is going to be a thing of the past if this month is anything to go by.  I had a wonderful evening out for my fortieth birthday - just me and the husband, dressed up and hitting the town.  Maybe it was more of a 'tickle' than a hit - we were home by 10.30 after all.  But it's a start!  It's a definite reawakening of a night life.

I also managed to attend a family party. For this occasion I wore the same dress - so that's also done well, getting worn twice in three weeks.  At this rate I shall be needing lots more party dresses!  Yesss.  This particular one is a gorgeous vintage inspired feminine floaty thing from a fabulous shop called Rosie Muggles.  I even managed to buy a pretty cardigan there.  Let's face it, gone are the days when I was willing to stand freezing in a party dress because cardigans and coats were too uncool. Post forty, it's all about being warm and dare I say it without sounding like a granny...comfortable.

Oh dear, and this started out so well.  I think the Party Animal Me needs a little more work...

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